In the Select the Control Variable dialog box that appears, Select the Control Variable dialog box appears: On the MCHCOMP block, click the port marked InputSignal Release the mouse button on the port marked OutputSignal ofĬontrol signal is automatically created and is ready to be Signal (blue broken lines) is automatically connectedĭown the mouse button on the Control Signal icon again There is only one input variable to connect to, the On the MCHCOMPDT dead-time block, click the port The Process Flowsheet window, the cursor becomes an arrow Of MCH in the liquid distillate, then click OK. Select the Control Variable dialog box for stream 3, theĬlick STREAMS("3").Zn("MCH") to select the liquid Move the mouse pointer over stream 3 and release the mouse Over a port, the name of the port appears and an arrow Ports that can be connected to this ControlSignal streamīecome highlighted with arrows.
In the Contents pane of the Simulation Explorer, click andĭown the mouse button on the ControlSignal icon and Types in the Contents pane of the Simulation Explorer. In the Dynamics library, click Stream Types to display the Of the Simulation Explorer, click the collapse (-) button If the ControlModels list is still expanded, in the All Items In the liquid distillate of column block B1. You will specify the measured variable as the mole fraction of In the dialog box that appears, type the name MCHCOMPDT In the All Items pane of the Simulation Explorer, ensure thatĭynamics library is in expanded view and theĬlick Dead_time and drag it to the Process Flowsheetĭrop it to the left of the MCHCOMP PID block.Ĭlick the newly-positioned block to select it.
This section, you will modify the control scheme to simulate a 5. In the Input dialog box, type the new controller name (+) button next to Dynamics (the Dynamics library).Įxpanded view of the Dynamics library is displayed.Ĭlick the Expand (+) button next to the ControlModels icon.įrom the ControlModels list, click the PID object to select it.ĭrag PID onto the Process Flowsheet window and drop it in aĬlick this newly-positioned block to select it.Ĭlick with the right mouse button on the block and from the In the All Items pane of the Simulation Explorer, click the This controller will maintain the purity of MCH in theĭistillate product by manipulating the phenol solvent feed Will now add a fourth controller, the MCHCOMP PID
Started Guide Tutorial 2 - Modifying the Control Scheme In the Process Flowsheet window, click controller block LC1Ĭlick the right mouse button and from the menu that appears,Ĭlick the Close button to close the Results table. To view the results table for controller LC1: Table that displays the values of the process variable, setĪnd output.
Tutorial 2 - Modifying the Control Scheme Getting Started GuideĮach controller block, Aspen Dynamics has an associated